Tips to Help Avoid Holiday Meltdowns

As parents, we often find ourselves in a situation where we are enjoying all the wonderful events and festivities that the season has to offer, when suddenly our child/children begin to unravel. Their listening skills fly out the window, their ability to regulate their emotions has left the building and you’re left with a child that is struggling to calm and regulate themselves.

Good news! Here are some tips and tricks to help you feel prepared for whatever the holidays throw your way.

Consider the Small Things

Did my child get enough sleep? Has my child had enough food (healthy or too many sweets)? Am I leaving enough time for downtime? Has my child drank enough water? All of the above mentioned can impact a child’s ability to regulate themselves.

Being in Tune with My Child’s Temperament

If your child enjoys time alone some of the time or most of the time, try and make sure to give them that time to recharge themselves. Think about ways to space out holiday activities so down time can be part of the plan.

Prepare Your Child(ren) for the Day and Possible Transitions

Whether it’s a written schedule or one with pictures for younger kids, your child(ren) will feel calmer and safer knowing what is coming up.

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