Day 4 of Holiday Self-Care

It is Day 4 of our 12 Days of Self Care! Here are two quick and easy tips you can start doing today. Enjoy and happy relaxation!

Creating a sleep routine

With all of the holiday cheer, we become oh so busy preparing and can forget to slow down and get some rest. Sleep is critical to our mental health and should be a priority as it restores and energizes our bodies for the next day. Do you currently utilize a sleep routine? If you answered yes, that is awesome! However, if you answered no, that is okay, but I highly encourage you to look into setting up a list of things that you can do such as stretch, meditate, listen to relaxing music, and so on to help you get the sleep you deserve.


Unplug from electronics, light your favorite candle, grab a cozy blanket, pick out a book and get lost in reading! There are several benefits of reading to list but one by far that can help during the busy holiday season is that it reduces stress levels. Reading can help us feel more calm by allowing us the ability to tap into our imaginations!

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