Day 5: Take Time to Unplug

Taking the time to unplug can mean different things to each of us. Whether it be unplugging from social media, mindless scrolling through the news on our phones, or even work emails, we can all benefit from some time away from technology. Unplugging may sound scary at first, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Where do I Begin?

As with all new habits, start small. Schedule a time during your busy day to unplug. I like to unplug from emails and my phone at 9pm each night and won’t pick either up until 8am the following morning. Depending on your routine and schedule, you can choose a block of time that works best for you.

Replace That Time

So you’ve chosen your designated time to unplug each day and may be wondering “Now What?” Think about other activities or even hobbies that you enjoy immersing yourself in and take that time to get reacquainted. Maybe there is a podcast you’ve been wanting to check out, a New York Times bestseller that has been on your reading list, or a workout you want to get in. Now is your time to dive in!

Consistency is Key

You’ve scheduled your time, have replaced your tech time with a more relaxing activity and have started to see and feel the effects of unplugging during your day. In order to keep this new habit up, consistency is key. The more consistent you are with this new routine, the more likely you are to continue to implement it.

During the holidays technology is a lifesaver in so many ways; online shopping saves the day each year by knocking out purchasing gifts for friends and family. Yet, it can also be healthy for us all to take some time away from it each day. Who knows, it just may make its way into your daily self care habits. Give it a try and see for yourself!

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